Posts tagged Empowering
Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC) Healthy Waterway Explorer Power BI Report

The DiscoverEI and Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC) team worked together to create the public-facing healthy waterway explorer dashboard (available here:

In the session Amy StLawrence (BMCC Aquatic Systems Officer) and Alice Drummond discuss the project from start to finish, including: challenges faced; meeting the teams' vision for the report and arriving at the final solution.

The session also explored useful Power BI techniques and visualisations for showcasing this type of environmental water quality and waterbug data, to help inform data-driven decision making across the region.

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Using GenAI and Power BI - Fossil Hunting in Kansas

In this conversation, Mark McClure discusses various AI tools, particularly focusing on ChatGPT, Perplexity AI, and Copilot, and their applications in data analysis and research. He demonstrates how to gather data for fossil hunting in Kansas using these tools, organize it in Excel, and visualize it in Power BI. The discussion emphasizes the importance of experimenting with AI tools and showcases practical steps for data manipulation and visualization.

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Exploring the DCCEEW Flood Recovery Power BI Dashboard

In this session, Alice & Christian from DiscoverEI deep-dived into exploring the recently completed DCCEEW (NSW State Government) Flood Recovery Power BI Dashboard. It is a public dashboard available via the EPA NSW website:

The session focused on explaining the context behind the tool, then identifying several Power BI techniques adopted to allow for the dynamic user interface. This included Power Query steps, the data model creation, DAX calcs and various visuals including the more advanced Icon Map features. We hope you learn more about Power BI's functionality from viewing this video

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AI, not Excel: Using ChatGPT for environmental data analysis

In this session, Matthew O'Brien guided us through some practical AI use cases developed for environmental data using ChatGPT, drawing from his own experience and insights from his peers. These examples aimed to illustrate the potential of AI as a valuable part of your data exploration and automation toolkit, possibly saving time and sanity from performing similar processes in Excel!

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The next generation of maps for Power BI with Icon Map Pro

In this session James Dales dived into his new custom visual: Icon Map Pro. James showed how to achieve some of the more advanced mapping requirements in Power BI. The new Icon Map Pro visual opens up more opportunities for creating more complex geospatial visuals. For example working with your own polygons to create choropleth maps, drawing lines, shapes and images to create interactive utility network diagrams and clustering data using the H3 hexagon grid system.

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UWA’s data-driven journey towards sustainability

Dr Jason Hamer (dARTa) presented on The University of Western Australia’s (UWA) data-driven journey to become a sustainable campus. While the focus was on UWA’s internal and external sustainability dashboards, Jason also showcased the backend architecture that makes them possible, provided some amazing Power BI tips and tricks and shared his story and journey towards working with Power BI for the environmental industry..

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ArcGIS Mapping and Maptaskr for Power BI

In this two-part session, we firstly had Peter Schmidt (Maptaskr) presenting on Maptaskr for Geospatial Intelligence, where he demonstrated Maptaskr’s mapping & geo-productivity solution for the Microsoft BizApps platform showcasing how it streamlines business processes, drives operational intelligence and complements Power BI analytics. Next up we had Alice Drummond (DiscoverEI) deep-dive into the world of the ArcGIS mapping visual for Power BI, explaining her tips, tricks and limitations based on real-world experiences with trying to implement the visual in Power BI reports.

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Dredge Dash: A real-time dredging project management tool harnessing Power BI

Dredging projects are critical to maintaining or establishing navigational access to ports, waterways and maritime infrastructure. Engagement and reporting to various internal and external stakeholders are required for these unique projects. Dredging project data collection and reporting can be timely and cumbersome. This ‘one stop shop’ Power BI reporting dashboard is used to track and communicate results from dredging projects. The session focused on a range of tech, including: Logic Apps; Azure Functions and SQL; SharePoint Excel files and Power BI aka the hero tool!.

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West Gate Tunnel – Cradle to Grave Power BI Reporting Solution

Spoil management is an integral part of any construction project. West Gate Tunnel Project provided an opportunity to develop centralised data management system and hence near real-time reporting solution to monitor movement of spoil from one site to another. This Power BI for Enviro’s presentation focused on the Operational Power BI reporting solution for the construction industry emphasizing:

  1. How key business problems can be solved through reporting.

  2. How key stakeholders can make informed decisions to run successful operations.

  3. How time and money can be saved when information is available at hand.

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Going Paperless in the Waste Industry - From Data Collection Apps to Power BI

In this digital world where technology is continuing to revolutionize the way we do business, going paperless is becoming more and more common. In his time working as a waste auditor, Simon has learnt from the 'traditional' methods of waste reporting, which often lacks transparency and can be difficult to audit & verify. This led to the creation of Traste, a digital app solution to track waste transparently, bringing waste processing facilities into the 21st century. In this session Simon introduced Traste's waste collection app and the workflow which feeds into a Power BI report. From here the Power BI reports are exported to PDF as this is the preferred method of reviewing the data by the client.

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Power BI as an Environmental Sensitivity Mapping tool

After a 6-month break we were excited for our June 2023 session return for Power BI 4 Enviro's. This was a joint presentation between DiscoverEI and Alluvium, who supported South East Water (SEW), in developing a Power BI Environmental Sensitivity Mapping (ESM) report, to help SEW identify key sensitivities of both environmental and public health across their region, to help inform risk assessments and incident response.

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Using Power BI to track the recent floods across eastern Australia

For our December 2022 session, we were lucky to have Matt Allington (Microsoft MVP Data Platform - Sydney, Australia) joining us again to share his Power BI report presenting streamflow data from the most recent October floods that impacted much of Australia. Matt has been posting daily updates about impacts to the Big Bend region through his YouTube channel, which you can keep up-to-date with on his YouTube channel (Excelerator BI YouTube)

Our thoughts remain with anyone that has been or is being impacted by these devastating floods, especially those within our meetup community❤️ !

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Power BI with Will Thompson: Analysing the UN’s sustainable development goals with Power BI

For our July 2022 session, we had the pleasure of having Will Thompson (Microsoft Power BI Program Manager) present on the recent demo Power BI report from the Gartner Bake-Off Summit. You can also see Will's demo at the Gartner Bake-Off summit here:

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Explore Sustainable Development Goals in Power BI (Workout Wednesday Challenge)

For our June 2022 session Shannon Lindsay shared a recent Workout Wednesday challenge, where we created a custom theme in Power BI, in an effort to build a report exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This session covered the creation of a custom theme, the use of images and icons, and tips and tricks to customize your Power BI reports.

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Real World Power BI: What Size Water Tank do I Need?

For our April 2022 Power BI 4 Enviro’s session, we had Matt Allington (Australian Microsoft MVP) presenting on his rainwater tank Power BI report. If you want to be good at Power BI, you must get practice. That doesn’t mean you have to practice at work. You can also get practice in at home. In this session, Matt stepped through a process of creating a Power BI report from scratch to determine what size rain water tank is needed for a new property/house.

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