Posts in Meetup Group
Global CO2 Emissions: Power BI Story Telling with Pragati Jain

In this session, Pragati took us through her Global carbon dioxide emissions public data Power BI report, and how she generated a quick report keeping in mind what insights can be derived from this data. Her version of the report for your interest is available here:

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Environmental Data Power BI Challenge Showcase: Enterprise DNA

In December, we were privileged to have Brian Julius, the Chief Content Officer at Enterprise DNA and Sam McKay the CEO and Founder at Enterprise DNA present a review of the Environmental Power BI Challenge Showcase.
Enterprise DNA has been running real-world Power BI Data Challenges for the past two years, but November 2021’s challenge was the first focused on environmental data. Entrants were asked to analyse unmasked data on environmental indicators in the U.S. mid-Atlantic region dealing with precipitation, contaminant exposure, and adult and child asthma prevalence. In this session, Sam and Brian reviewed the top entries, from an analytical, visualization and data storytelling perspective, and discussed some of the unique aspects of this challenge and lessons learned compared to past competitions.

You can learn more about Enterprise DNA and the environmental challenge competition here:
- Enterprise DNA:
- Challenge Showcase:

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Asset Management and Water Quality Monitoring in Power BI - Wannon Water Case Studies

In November, we were joined by Aaron Smith and Nerida Campbell from Wannon Water based out of Warrnambool in Victoria. Aaron presented on the Asset Management Power BI report, which provides an overview on the status of Wannon Water's infrastructure that is used to manage water supply and wastewater treatment across the region. Nerida presented on the Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) Power BI report, which gives Wannon Water visibility on the WRP systems, to ensure that treatment levels are meeting compliance requirements. It was a fantastic session with great engagement from across the BI and water industries, and we hope you enjoy revisiting the recording here.

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A PowerBI4Enviro's Breakfast Session - Environmental Power BI Examples from Cetrel (Brazil)

In October, we changed it up and had a BREAKFAST session (9:00am AEDT time), where we heard from the team at Cetrel in Brazil. We heard from Felipe Oliveira, Cetrel's Business Intelligence Team Leader, where he guided us through Cetrel's Environmental Digital Twin Power BI Report, and how the team are working with their clients to visualise and communicate environmental data.

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Environmental Data Storytelling - Gippsland Water's Urban Water Strategy: Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s (September 2021)

In September, Alice and Christian were joined by special guests: Jolyon Taylor and Catherine Couling from the Gippsland Water, Water Resources Team. Jolyon and Catherine presented on the recently released Power BI report used as a supporting tool to communicate Gippsland Water's 2022 Urban Water Strategy (UWS), which is an interactive dashboard available for the public:

We hope you enjoy the recording and learn about techniques for visualising your water data using Power BI.

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Using the Power Platform to assess sustainability of Australian Green Buildings: Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s (August 2021)

In August, we had an entire Power Platform solution presented by the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). Liam Murray (Build-Apps) and Stephen Thatcher (GBCA) discussed the ideas and tech behind the Green Star Project Directory - the publicly available Power BI report which highlights Green Star projects across Australia:

Watch the recording and hopefully you learn something about visualising energy data. .

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Power BI for the Energy sector (revisited)!!: Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s (July 2021)

In this meetup we had Joel Gallagher (Senior Consultant at Servian) demonstrate the Power BI report that he built to understand energy usage in his home solar system. We also had Mim Djouallah show off his Australia electricity market dashboard using BigQuery. Watch the recording and hopefully you learn something about visualising energy data. .

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Power BI 101 and an Ask the Experts Panel: Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s (June 2021)

In this meetup we had Alice Drummond (Microsoft Data Platform MVP) demonstrate how to build a simple Power BI report using streamflow data from the Victorian WMIS website, and Greg Nash (Power BI Unicorn and Data Platform MVP) answering all your questions!!

Watch the recording, hopefully you learn something and let us know what you think.

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Mapping Masterclass: Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s (Jan 2021)

In the first meetup session for 2021 we took a look at maps, both within Power BI and in Carto. Alice Drummond (DiscoverEI) introduced us to James Dales' Icon Map and the wonderful functionality we have built into it, before Idris Syed (City of Melbourne) introduced the MapBox API and how to use it. Lastly we had Chandni Gupta (Mosaic Insights) provide a great demo on how to use the Carto mapping platform, where she built from scratch a really cool example!

We hope you enjoy it and learn a few things about mapping options out there!

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Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s (Dec 2020): All About Power BI Custom Visuals

In this post we explore the key takeaways from our third Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s Meetup Event, held in December 2020. This session was all about Power BI custom visuals and how we can use them to visualise our environmental data.

We would like to thank our presenters and all those people that dialled in to learn some awesome Power BI design tips, and practical examples of how to use Power BI custom visuals.

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Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s (Nov 2020): Drowning in Data - Case Studies for the Water Industry

In this post we unpack the key takeaways from our second Power BI and Data Analytics for Enviro’s Meetup Event. This session was all about water industry applications for using Power BI and included presenters from CSIRO, the Water Corporation in Perth and Waikato Regional Council in New Zealand.

We would like to thank our presenters and all those people that dialled in to learn practical examples of Power BI is being applied across the environmental sector.

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Power BI for Enviro’s (Oct 2020): Live Sensors, Geological Borelogs, & COVID-19 Water Security Risk Index

In this post we unpack the key takeways from our Power BI for Enviro’s Meetup Launch Event, such as creating real-time online reporting for water sensors, creating a public communication tool for the COVID-19 Water Security Risk Index, and streamlining data processing and analysis of environmental data. Learn more and re-watch the video here! Thanks to our presenters: Alice Drummond & Christian Borovac (DiscoverEI), Jarrod Gaut (Water_Insites) and Lachlan Guthrie (International WaterCentre).

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